MY LAST JOINT has shut down

They say every story has a beginning, middle and the end. Mine started back in my early twenties when weed was fun and social. Soon however it became my crutch and my only friend. In Aug 2020, after a gazillion attempts to cut down or take a break I decided to quit for good. A few months later I started MY LAST JOINT project. 

Recording a podcast, I realized there are plenty of people around the world struggling like I did. Thus I started coaching others using my 8-week program. This was fun, but it was also mentally exhausting – every coaching session I would go back to my muddy 20s. In May 2023 I decided to call it quits and start a new chapter in my life. 

On the final episode of my podcast, I gave away a discount code for my coaching program. The code is no longer valid, since I decided to give away everything for free. 

In June 2024 I deleted a podcast and compiled everything into my Google Drive folder and YouTube channel.

Dear stranger, I sincerely hope this helps in you some way. If you are struggling right now, and for some reason you can’t quit, or you keep relapsing, you are not alone. The whole MY LAST JOINT YouTube channel features people that were once stuck and managed to quit. Regardless of your past, your decisions and the regret or guilt you might be experiencing, you have everything in you it takes to quit on your own. 

Below there are buttons. The green one will take you to my Google drive where I share everything I learned, along with the program and quit weed challenge. The red one will take you to a YouTube channel where you can watch interviews of people who successfully quit weed! 

To you and your success!

– Anze